

In February 2014, communicate with the customer drawings

Hits: 8338 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

In September, 2013, President of xi proposed a "new silk road economic belt" and "Marine silk road" in the 21st century strategic thinking. So all the way "area" cooperation and development of ideas and initiatives also began to spread all over the country. Similarly, we also responded to an appeal by the state, "go out, the introduction to" actively. - technical exchanges with foreign friends.

Case explanation

A visit to the case

National multilateral mechanism, with the aid of the existing and effective regional cooperation platform, to borrow the history of the ancient "silk road" symbol, carrying the banner of peaceful development, actively develop along with the country's economic partnership, common to build political mutual trust, economic integration, culture include the interests of the community, the community of fate and community responsibility. For this, melt into the international circle of friends, and our the fo LAN development attitude, action is directly the performance of concrete.

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