

Membrane application

Hits: 1483 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

Membrane structure main application places: sports venues, stadium, podium, related sun block rain membrane structure; Highway toll station, gas station, parking lot, bus station, airport, station, amusement park, leisure square, the observation deck, stage, empty parking lot membrane structure; The garage entrance is entrance, entrance, corridor, urban logo; Highway toll space membrane structure, gas membrane structure, membrane structure expo exhibition hall, shopping center, kiosk, commercial pedestrian street, wholesale center, temporary venue tensioned membrane structure, leisure place tension membrane structure, membrane structure landscape pool sunscreen, landscape membrane structure, gate in and out of tensioned membrane, membrane and iconic membrane structure architecture, etc.

Membrane structure is mainly applicable places: stadium, stadium, sports stadium tensioned membrane structure; Museum of tensioned membrane, music square cable membrane structure, amusement parks, leisure square tensioned membrane structure, observatory tensioned membrane, stage space membrane structure, membrane structure parking lot; Highway toll space membrane structure, gas membrane structure, membrane structure expo exhibition hall, shopping center, kiosk, commercial pedestrian street, wholesale center, temporary venue tensioned membrane structure, leisure place tension membrane structure, membrane structure landscape pool sunscreen, landscape membrane structure, gate in and out of tensioned membrane, membrane and iconic membrane structure architecture, etc.

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