

Other field solutions

Release time: 2018-11-19

Landscape cultural facilities

Mainly applied to

Cultural Landscape Facilities - Exhibition Center, Theatre, Conference Hall, Museum, Botanical Garden, Aquarium, Architectural Entrance, Significant Sketches, Pedestrian Street, Parking lot, etc.

Public commercial facilities

Mainly applied to

Public commercial facilities - airports, railway stations, bus stations, toll stations, wharfs, gas stations, overpasses, shopping malls, shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, store doors (eaves), shopping streets, etc.

Recommended case

Service Hotline0755 27809070

Shenzhen: 2nd floor Huizhou, Baoan Xixiang Baoyunda Logistics Research and Development Center, Shenzhen: 8th floor, Block B, Jinhaoyuan Building, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
Email: folan@sz1680.com
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