

Use ETFE the main Olympic stadium in 2020 in Tokyo, Japan

Hits: 1426 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and paralympic games organizing committee announced as the main Olympic stadium in Tokyo's new national arena of concept map.

Local time, the international Olympic committee (ioc) session on September 7, in the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, voted for the host city of the 2020 summer Olympic Games. Beat Madrid, Spain and Turkey Istanbul in Tokyo, Japan, won the 2020 summer Olympic Games.

Is reported that Japan's new national stadium rendering is reviewed by the Tokyo Olympic Games committee from global of raise many design selection, the design from the female architect zaha hadid - Iraq, from the point of rendering, Japan's new national stadium adopted new streamlined appearance design, the review committee to give the "internal space, strong that coincide with the Tokyo city space", "can open closed skylights to increase the practicability of the stadium", etc.

According to calculation, Japan's new national stadium expansion of the total cost will be 130 billion yen (about 7.8 billion yuan), the completion time will be in March 2019, the main stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics game, when the Olympic Games opening ceremony, closing ceremony, soccer, track and field project will be held in the hall.

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