

Playground membrane structure prevents noise effect how?

Hits: 1368 Publication time: 2018-12-05 SML

Membrane structure is a control function is very necessary, in particular in some field membrane structure, the stadium membrane structure, membrane structure, pitch square membrane structure, stage of membrane structure, etc. Membrane structure is the realization of the function of anti noise through acoustic design centered around two aspects of membrane structure acoustic quality.

First, how is shielding external noise is the impact on the building;

Second, the building outline of effects and the reverberation time of the echo. Noise and echo very different factors to consider, but they must be considered at the same time, the well building acoustic environmental quality of comprehensive evaluation.

A, internal echo

The echo time is proportional to the interior of the building volume is, with the inner surface is inversely proportional to the absorption rate. Good voice quality requirement is the echo time is short, so as to avoid mutual interference between the crossing, it's difficult for small meeting room does not generally, but large closure construction space is very difficult to solve this problem effectively, such as gym, indoor track and field, water sports center, stadium, etc.

According to the overall planning, function of architecture design, economic budget, choose the optimal ratio of membrane to design plan:

1, double membrane. PVC film and PVC lining, PTFE plus PVC lining, PTFE membrane and outer membrane PTFE lining, lined with membrane absorption index, main control outer membrane is given priority to with architectural, structural durability.

2, double membrane and sound insulation layer. Pay attention to the sound insulation material and heat insulation heat preservation material compatibility, and the coordination with light transmittance.

3, PTFE, PVC single layer film.

Second, the external noise isolation

First consider of the front of membrane structure and location, so that to reduce the noise big infiltration. In addition to the location of the building design of acoustic facilities should also be considered, in order to reduce the common ground transmission noise, and the noise source and the structure. In general, the distance between the source and buildings each doubled, noise reduction 6 dB, and the use of brush noise barrier can reduce 0.4 dB, and can be neglected.

Increase of the membrane layer, interlayer thickness control arrow and, if necessary on the membrane layer is to improve the effect of noise reduction method available. Need to carefully consider the connection technology of membrane structure, to ensure its impermeability, reducing the noise of the spreads through the air from the possibility of a crack in the infiltration. To ensure that when these measures should not be at the same time make the structure of the thermal performance is affected.

Like most of the architectural acoustics processing, supporting facilities and other noise source of a noise from the conclusion is very important. Serious indoor acoustic surface design is also very important, because the sound absorption technology helps to dampen the effects of indoor background noise.

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