
  • S0001


Changeful supporting structure and flexible membrane material makes the shape of the building are more diverse, novel and beautiful, at the same time embodies the beauty of the structure. And colour is abounded, can create more freedom of architectural form and richer language.
Order hotline: 0755 27809070
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Service Hotline0755 27809070

Shenzhen: 2nd floor Huizhou, Baoan Xixiang Baoyunda Logistics Research and Development Center, Shenzhen: 8th floor, Block B, Jinhaoyuan Building, Huiyang District, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
Email: folan@sz1680.com
Copyright 2018 Shenzhen Folan Space Membrane Structure Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.
Guangdong ICP prepare No. 18128411 -1
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